PLEASE NOTE: Publication for public comment is not, and shall not be construed as, a recommendation or approval by the Board of Trustees of the materials published.
Proposed Revision to State Bar Rules Title 3, Division 2. Rules 3.50 and 3.52 (B) Regarding change the title of non-lawyer State Bar Section members
Currently non-lawyer State Bar Section members are referred to as “associate” members. Non-lawyer State Bar Section members include professionals representing a variety of industries. The State Bar Sections recognize “associate” members as enrolled participants of the State Bar Sections who receive the same access to information and materials as lawyer-members and can also serve on Section Executive Committees.
In cases of Unauthorized Practice of Law a non-lawyer’s use of the title of “associate” Section member may allow room for misrepresentation and mislead the public. Since law firms actively use the title of “associate,” the similar sounding “associate” member is misleading to the public.
Staff is seeking to amend State Bar Rules Title 3, Division 2. Rules 3.50 and 3.52 (B) changing the title of non-lawyer Section members from “associate” member to “affiliate” member. The proposed amendment would clarify that this category of Section members are not members of the State Bar while continuing to identify them as active members of the Section.
Office of Education State Bar of California 180 Howard St. San Francisco, CA 94105-1639 Phone: 415-538-2232 Fax: 415-538-2368 E-mail: