How do I ensure my fingerprints are successfully processed by the Live Scan vendor?
Review the Live Scan Form Check List attached to your prepopulated Live Scan form that you obtained via your My State Bar profile. When completing the form you must write in the following: sex, height, weight, eye color, hair color, place of birth, social security and address. You may need to write in any additional middle names. Please contact the State Bar, if your personal information is inaccurate. The form is prepopulated with specific codes required by the DOJ.
It is important to verify with the Live Scan vendor to prevent the rejection of your fingerprints. Review the cover page and Live Scan form with your Live Scan technician. Confirm technician has accurately entered the information into the Live Scan program.
If you have additional questions, please contact the Division of RegulationĀ at 888-800-3400 orĀ fill out the Licensee Records and Compliance Inquiry form.